be at work i'm tired i wanna curl up and sleep or read or both does anyone wanna pay me to do that?
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take math! i am NEVER, i repeat: NEVER going 2 use it, because i don't want 2 be a dang mathematician when i "grow up"!
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when 1t c0mes t1me 4 u 2 g3t a j08, u m1ght have trouble, u'll end ª 1n a not so kewl s1tuat10n
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Be around these fools any longer.. 5 years and they have not changed since High school.. still whores, busy impressing one another to the point of disgust as if they themselves have lost touch with whatever personality was there... a very long time ago. I've changed but not to them... I 'm still the pretty girl that intimidates them b/c I am myself and don't take shit from them.. And not some bimbo mouse to drag around who can't even keep up with a ignorant conversation. I wonder where do they find these girls? There not shy or confused they truely have nothing to say after hours and hours of talking. They pick on these poor girls terribly and yet they don't defend themselves they just giggle. This one chick tish or something that was hanging on Eddie's arm last night just sat there being degraded..I would have smacked all them assholes or left the table. I wanna find some cute idiot guy that I can screw, take all there money, insult, my freinds can degrade and never have them open there mouth... there seems to be a plethera of these chicks ...where are the guys? Maybe I need to join a band.HAHAHAHA!
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yes! i'll do it! if not only because i would like to do the same, but alas cannot -- so the least i can do is treat others as i wish i could be, and take comfort in the satisfaction of others... *showers you with money while you snore*
what's it to you?