endless desire absolutely everything. life people sound words love objects dimensions knowledge thoughts. the meaning of everything. the mysteries of the world enter the pieces of my brain and in the midst of so much noise there was silence. and i sat i wondered how i could describe it all but it truly cannot be described in words. . .

i started to. tried very hard. tried to explain it to my mother who insisted that she was too busy. so now i_am_searching_for_people_with_souls. who will speak these secrets without uttering a word.

you know what it is? i think i've found peace.
stork daddy yeah i feel that way too sometimes, but then i get distracted 031022
nom :.) 031022
pipedream groo, i can never put it in words...absolute wonder comes close, but i don't know the meaning of *everything* 031022
celestias shadow oh do tell, do tell. i am most interested in learning the secrets of the world. i think it might help me become a better person. 031026
magicforest in the times in which I cannot describe because no words are sufficient I can do nothing but explode in thanks and hope someone hears 031026
realistic optimist there have been a scant few times when i became my godself. content, at peace, amused, focused, and present. now if i could only remember how i got there... 031026
misstree is disgustingly happy my godself has been a stray cat on my couch these past few months. we play often. it is beyond glorious. 031026
breygris forty-two 031027
23 031027
shutter-bug Two points- A. and B.
A line segment,
But from where we sit it looks like a ray.
Perception confuses us.
We travel slowly trying to decide why.
Trying to decide what it will look like, feel like, and be at the end.

Don’t forget to look back and try to watch your step.
Death of a Rose I did....but the spanish had already claimed it. 031027
reue whats 7 times 7? 031108
. 40 fucking 9 080104
what's it to you?
who go