yeah i was jsut wondering if anyone has ever heard of this book, i dont know the name *thats what im asking you* but ill explane it.. it has something to do with someone building a machine that will give you answers to questions you ask it or something, and someone asked it what the meaning of life was and it told them it didnt know but told them how to make a smarter machine that would know, and they made it and asked it but it took a long time to answer and before it did it got destroyed... i dont know if that how it goes but its something like that i never read the book someone just explaned that to me
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I don't know much 'bout books, but I do know where the title of this page comes from. empire. deb's funeral. mark had just eaten some of eddie's brownies with extra sugar and was left to man the counter alone. this is what he says into the store speaker system thingy.
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baby satan
sounds like something i read in '89 when i was in long island. i think the title was something like: "we who share genders are all the same". oh wait - that was the name of my failed autobiography of the time. sorry, kinky. can't help you.
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dear kinkazoid, erm.. this is part of the 'hitch hikers guide to the galaxy' by douglas adams. there are 5 in the series: 1)the hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy 2)the restraunt at the end of the universe 3)life, the universe and everything 4)so long and thanks for all the fish 5) mostly harmless they are a comedy science fiction series and very very good. he also wrote some other very grand and very funny things too, but i think thats enough homework for today ... any other questions i shall be in my office
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I believe there may even be a sixth book in the 'trilogy' as it is still called, somewhat bizzarely. much praise to the lately lamented Douglas Adams
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yeah i was all excited about this cus when i read the question i knew the book, and I was proud as hell. but other people got there first. shucks. well the first book is good---i have yet to read the rest.
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asimove wrote a story where, over the evolution of humanity, man's computers were asked, in one way or another, how to reverse entropy the story concluded in the end with all of humanity combining with the last most greatest computer, which existed completely in hyperspace, at which point the hyperspacial super-intelligence/computer became god and said 'let there be light' or something like that i dont know if this helps, but if you think i am on to your answer, i could look at my personal lib and find the story...
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yes i did take this title from empire records but actually there is another helpme in there... thanks to all you people i will be going to the library and getting this book so i can read it and once again go to sleep at night :)
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thunderbuck ram
don't waste your time reading the books; the answer's 42.
what's it to you?