Halogen I Listener, please excuse me for jumping you here so rudely, with pedagogy and desires painted plainly, and crudely, electronically andk, oh, so chemically, II but those halogens, they are reactive, very, very highly. Princesses they act to want to be, oblivious noblessely to the terribly lonely it be to be completely free, and lack all reactivity; unless they turn out xenonuously or, when especially warmly, radonuously and then remain hopelessly hopefully explosively, if the he's who lucky be to satisfy them not just electronic but protonically, which, being electrically too, is deeply too spiritually, seek with them a path of many colors and fluorine goldenly. III Those halogens, beware, be, be! They will scratch you everywhere mercilessly, yet some like hapless me will shout "more, more" morally or immorally "just please more, pleasily"! They will, too, intensely gaseously excitedly so very attractively sinuously blow fire nostradamusly intranostrilly with holding lightly and soft kisses to the lips interdirectly; "more, more, just please morely" and get into your eyes so burningly, so hotly as you think "hellish, it matters notly" you cannot see their goals too clearly "so what, i'm floating randomly with naught but a mind, quill, and pearly electrons and exceptionally protons, free to give to fill satisfiedly an empty slot orbitally and deep inside nuclearly IV if the halogeness, on my mind and presently my quill's tip, wishes to with me float off freely from the same garden or launching pad nightly, daily, or at least mostly. It's just one electron, with a flash lightly, one proton, just one, tinier, yet more weighty and more, more, morely energetically V and could be done supposedly, I say so sadly and such sardonically, mostly electronically, but that launching starts awfully high, and all, even the halogen scratching and burning currently of my own with high amperage freely "more, more," and even me, should desire to be unlonely. VI So let's make it xenuously and if that warmly enough not be then okay, yes, radonuously. Let's just do it, okay, please, pleasily. VII Listener, please excuse us, you see, it's so much chemistry, it seems to be. Copr. 2000