damn oops 040628
daxle don't love anyone who is already on blather 040628
DaMon. Why not? 040629
sa I sure didn't tell my love... 040629
unhinged and for god's sake, cover your googleable tracks

nothing but vague pronoun references from here on out
delial luckily no one, out of the three people I've told about here, fell in love with blather the way I did. so it doesn't matter.

besides, I doubt anyone cares enough about what I have to say to stalk my writings - the few there are.
magicforest these are the words of a sage 040629
cherise i've tried to tell a few people about it and they don't seem to want to give it a chance anyway. (: 040629
screwed I made the mistake of using my real name for awhile. Now it's only a matter of time. If only you could delete blathes...

Damn you, google!
magicforest blather is like purposeful deletions. 040630
flo I did but now, he's gone from here and my life so, I guess it doesn't matter anymore hey? 040630
. Sorry, the real flo, i didn't know it was a used name here... 040630
megan already did
it doesn't really bother me though
i'm still more myself than ever here
Looked around to see something identifiable. I don yup already did. it's awful. 050218
futile and if you must leave any discomforting details about one love or another un-skipped while stringing along yet another, well - don't be surprised if the monkey on the string gets pissed off. 050218
.nom don't_tell_blather_about_the_person_that_you_love 050218
meta meta 060103
emmi tell them after you break up... so that they can read about how much you loved them as well as how much you hated them sometimes, and everything in between 060103
nom don't tell blather about blather 070412
Huh! who the *FUCK* is Blather ! ? 070412
nom you are blather i am blather we're all blather blather 070412
uh what is your favorite colour though ? 070412
j oh. 071215
av4ntgarde ORANGE 071215
minnesota_chris my former love likes to use the internet to spy on people. She's probably written a script to find this message. Hi Jenni! How's life? 080118
flowerock I'm glad I was told about blather. i think it should be shared with those we love. choose your loves well ; ) that s always the challenge, right? but even passed loves were not failed or wasted. "...I've loved others too, but I loved them because they were stepping stones on the way to you..." 140204
what's it to you?
who go