misstree why hello, Big_Momma!

well, it would appear that the universe has caught up with me. i didn't realize we were in a game of hide_and_seek.

it almost echoes halloween_weekend. thursday night was an emotional explosion. found a tribeling, never met him in person. intense. shaking like a kitten by the end. he reads me like a book, better than most of my tribe even, frighteningly insightful. and i can't see back into him. not my skill. but he is there, and It is there, and who knows how that plot will play.

friday night was dancing, finally! two months without, got to gussy and guzzle and go forth and hunt hunt hunt and found some kin, some drugs, and some backrubs, nuzzlings, and all around damn good times. much prettiness, tenderness, grins, release. my soul soared. on top of it, the belt got to play, in the preferred manner, not with simply meat but with meat most affectioned, given as gift rather than used as entertainment. happy hearts and sighs and gentle kisses. wonder-full.

saturday was the time the reaver came to my doorstep again, perfect counterpoint to the tenderness of the night before, all brutal and thrusty and intense and entertaining and empty in the bestest of ways. unexpected appearance, drained me of overflowing growls and whimpers.

and tonight the unicorn is coming to visit, warmth and light like no one's business, a fourth side to the circle being spun.

almost feels like the universe realized it was ignoring me and trying to make up for lost time. just hoping to be able to keep up with the winds enough to sail rather than surf.

one question is begged, though... this all feels like a setup, like the beginning of something Big... and if this is just the introductory plot, what insanity lurks?

time will tell, o my brothers. a wink and a grin and i dive off the edge. may there be luck and skill and interesting_times. friday's gift was knowing that steel doesn't rust, and trees grow moss but lose none of their dance. i have high_hopes. i will soar.
what's it to you?
who go