ferret it's what you fall asleep on in your new apartment, like a combination of bed and floor, bloor 030823
nomme bloors can be very comfy
if you have ever moved a lot
or are poor
you may know alot about bloors
pobodys nerfect inbloor/outbloor carpeting :) 030823
ferret hmm, i've never slept on a door before. inside OR outside! 030823
pobodys nerfect I guess sleeping on a door would be interesting,but that's not what I meant. Your "bloor" definition made me think of several mattresses pushed up against each other to form "carpeting".
Then I thought of the inbloor/outbloor carpeting thing. Stupid me probably should've just said that in the first place. :/
ferret ahh, but better to elongate the blatherpage no/ 030824
pobodys nerfect Well,I don't think I could say ANYTHING in just one word. I think it has alot to do with being the youngest child. To this day,whenever I talk my family still cuts me off mid-sentence or just ignores me altogether. It really hurts sometimes.
I try hard to keep things short,but I know I'm not very good at it. Sorry. :(
no reason and bathurst

but i'm much too lazy
Strideo forget tatami mats and futons! I'm getting a bloor!
ferret yeah! 030825
shoccolo street. 030825
crimson on the foreign, naked bedroom bloor, thick and shaggy, a white rug was unrolled. she was feeling especially sullen that drizzly saturday.

maybe it was just the weather?

he stopped by; and, like a distant radio station, occasionally breaking through
the haze of sleep, his records jammed in the background.
all day they slept next to one another, limbs entwined, oblivious to their own
sweating eyes and crying flesh.
the rain’s eager tongue lapped at the window. it appeared to dissolve and drizzle in a glassy-sugar mess. the rain wanted in; she failed to realize how salty-wet the couple inside was already.

maybe? maybe.
what's it to you?
who go