endless desire walri is a word.
well not actually
but in my mind
and my own "universe",
you see.
cactus = cacti
though i am not sure if that is the spelling
i am sure that you change it.
you don't say, "cactuses"
so why should you say, "walruses"
it's just not proper.

walri is a word.
or at least, it should be
since i use it on a regular basis.
smurfus rex since "octopi" and "hippopotami" are the same way, we should apply majority rules.

I apply the rule to another plural..."peni"...even though the singular doesn't end in "us"...but oh well, it sounds funny.
nomme i searched google for walri! seems you are not alone in your thinking, endless.

octopi octopodes octopuses
hippopotami hippopotamuses
cacti cactuses

thank our mixed greek and latin language heritage!
whitechocolatewalrus he!
i think a single walrus should be walrie. because i like saying walrie.
and more than one should definitely be walri. so i am a walrus but i am walrie and people call me smallrus and whitechocolatewalrus.
this page is just too much fun. haha.
smallrus walrie being pronounced
wall reee
pipedream exactly. but then we could have goosi and moosi for goose plural and moose plural, or we could settle for geese and meese. i like meese.

no reason but no..then it would have to be a goosus or a moosus.
or a penus.
pipers no, goosus doesn't work. meese does. gooses is good

(aha, alliteration, eh?)
whitechocolatewalrus haha, i like goosus and moosus. and i also like meece. and what about sheep? i mean, one sheep is a sheep, but two sheep is also sheep. i think more than one should definitely be sheeps. 040119
walrus oops, i meant meese. 040119
pipers sheeps, absolutely...and fishes 040120
celestias shadow meese, mice, moose!

walri is most definitely a word. following the cactus-cacti, octopus-octopi logic, walri is CLEARLY a word. What would we call a group of walri, though? (like a group of crows is a murder, a group of geesus is a gaggle, etc.)

could we call it a polka of walri? because polkas are funny?
piperds how about a waggle of walri? alliteration is most important :D 040125
celestias shadow a walloping waggle of walri? 040203
walrus what about a woggle, so as to make the same sound?
a walloping woggle of walri.
pipers a walloping woggle of walri waggling their wiggles away

*hums shake your jiggles out and waggles her toes to the beat*
Doar :-)

you so silly
invisible believer sheeps and deers! 040218
pipers 'course we's all silly, 'tis the only way to live my love!

*twirls DOAR around and waltzes around the room to 'shake your jiggles out'*
Doar and what a word it is.

*dancing with pillows*
pipers wearing swishy poodle skirt okay that just sounds a little nasty *lol*

*jitterbugs the night away*
. oh my god, suddenly I know the significance...when I called them walri and you yelled at me...and then you slipped and called them that...



whitechocolatewalrus if there was two of me, would they be called smallri? 040324
pipes probably, but you are a unique quirk of biodiversity. 040325
what's it to you?
who go