nanny Ok, so maybe I have too much time, and have too much useless_knowledge, but here is a list of phobia's the pertain to sex.

The fear of:

virgins - parthenophobia
losing your virginity - primesodophobia
sex - genophobia
members of the oposite sex - heterophobia or sexophobia
sexual abuse - agraphobia or contreltophobia
sexual intercourse - coitophobia
sexual love of questions erotophobia
sexual perversion - paraphobia
rape - virgonitiphobia
semen - spermataphobia
prostitutes - cyprinophobia
undressing in front of someone else - dishabillophobia
being touched - chiraptophobia
wet dreams - oneirogmophobia
pleasure - hedonophobia
penis - medorthophobia
erect penis - ithyphallophobia
losing an erection - medomalacuphobia
bound or tied up - merinthophobia
dampness or moisture - hygrophobia
swallowing - phagophobia
female genitalia - kolopophobia
homosexuality - homophobia
kissing - philemaphobia
love play - malaxophobia
loud noises - ligyrophobia
men - androphobia
menstruation - menophobia
nudity - gymnophobia
being looked at - scopophobia
kerry scopophobia for me...
how mortifying

don't laugh at me, please...
nanny There are so many things to be afraid of.. anything from the fear of cats (Elurophobia) to the fear of Nuclear Weapons (Nucleomituphobia). I have compiled a list of 30 phobias dealing with Sex. I'm sure glad that I don't suffer from any of these.

The fear of:

virgins - parthenophobia
losing your virginity - primesodophobia
sex - genophobia
members of the oposite sex - heterophobia or sexophobia
sexual abuse - agraphobia or contreltophobia
sexual intercourse - coitophobia
sexual love of questions - erotophobia
sexual perversion - paraphobia
rape - virgonitiphobia
semen - spermataphobia
prostitutes - cyprinophobia
undressing in front of someone else - dishabillophobia
being touched - chiraptophobia
wet dreams - oneirogmophobia
pleasure - hedonophobia
penis - medorthophobia
erect penis - ithyphallophobia
losing an erection - medomalacuphobia
bound or tied up - merinthophobia
dampness or moisture - hygrophobia
swallowing - phagophobia
female genitalia - kolopophobia
homosexuality - homophobia
kissing - philemaphobia
love play - malaxophobia
loud noises - ligyrophobia
men - androphobia
menstruation - menophobia
nudity - gymnophobia
being looked at - scopophobia
celestias shadow I seem to be a scopophobe/gymnophobe.

As if I needed more problems......
time_warp phobia free, at least among those listed. fear of scat is the only one i've got. just makes me shudder. 031201
Lemon_Soda Proffessor Crane would love this blath. 031201
endless desire primesodophobia for me.
not that i don't want to.
it's just the guilt would follow
misstree if something is going to make you feel guilty, you probably should either not do it, or figure out why you would feel guilty and fix that. guilt is the result of actions clashing with internal workings.

and i don't mean to be presumptuous, but would it be more guilt or regret? and phobia or caution? (i approve so very much of caution with such things. each step you take further away from home base, the harder it is to find another step to take, and the more you have to push yourself to feel temproarily fulfilled. new experiences are druglike and addictive. and sex is overrated until you get really good at it, if you get really good at it.)
oblivionmachine spermataphobia 031201
FF chiraptophobia 031202
endless desire oneirogmophobia
oh definately
damn those wet dreams. . .
magicforest My friend once had a dream that she was giving her boyfriend head and he ejaculated blood. 031202
girl_jane chiraptophobia ... but only with my face.

see: untouchable_face
unhinged i'm not really afraid of it....i just hate it

and everyone i've ever had sex with

is there a word for that?
phil needaphilaphobia 031202
phil medomalacuphobia from
too many scary tv shows
phil "Some maintain sexual abstinence due to debilitating fear and hate of sex as a result of sexual and emotional abuse." 031202
phil a.k.a. Sexual Aversion 031202
unhinged yeah..... 031202
what's it to you?
who go