Annie111 I hate society for its stupid rules.
Certain songs make me want to die.
I've not finished my homework.
I want to have sex.

What's new with you guys?
Detective Effingham Fish Post double guards on all exits! No-one enters or leaves the premises until the murderer is found! 020101
unhinged yeah, tell me about it 020101
shiva *steadies nail on coffin* 020102
ClairE With an attitude like that, no wonder you're not getting any.

[Oh, wait, you settled for monogamy, and you are getting some. Maybe it'll work out for me.]
unhinged honey you don't settle for monogamy

it IS the frickin war
ClairE Maybe I'm a necrophiliac... 020102
lady lunchbox it's not dead, it's resting 020208
splinken I wonder.

Thinking nonmonogamously, as always. Not content to just let things sit the way they are, making myself sad, making other people sad.

This intense jealousy is [for me at least], a function of how badly I am feeling about myself, not how much I love another person. Jealousy is not special, or proof of specialness -- it feels exactly the same, every single time.
asdf pictures_or_blatherskites 030527
shh fickle is hardly the right word for it. 031130
phil I don't remember this big pull to monogamy, people complain about society's rules bringing them down Man...BUT.... Is getting married for sex normal, is getting divorced normal, all these polygamy is not against society. You can choose to do it however you like, won't bother me and my monogamy. Obviously not dead. 031201
not the repeater but likes this quote very much "some people are smart enough for monogamy, some people are dumb enough for it. for the rest of the world it proves problematic." -stork_daddy, from somewhere else. 031201
lady lunchbox silly me.
i thought you'd stay faithful to me. 4 months isn't a long time to wait. i've been so good here waiting for you to come home.

and you felt the need to "fill the void."

monogamy is dead. and so is my faith in you.
what's it to you?
who go