ekr i want you to love me
not as you do
i told you from the start just how it would end Go on
Take Everything!
Take Everything!
TalviFatin Tom W: I_Want_You_To stop looking at me like that...with your lies hidden, smiling, snickering...The new you is cool, and I dig ya, but...honestly...do you really think we'll work again? I dont know how to truely devote myself anymore.

Tom S: I_Want_You_To call me for fuck's sake. Stop building walls and playing war with me. Dont lie...If I'm just a romp-rabbit to you, then tell me. Dont lie and deny. But ultimately, fall head over heels for me.

Matt: I_Want_You_To stop calling me, stop loving me, and forget me. You know we arnt meant to be. Face the truth. Just find someone else. Please. There has to be a bimbo out there thats perfect for you.

Brian N: I_Want_You_To get together with me to write that hit song we've been talking about. Its about that time.

Jesse: I_Want_You_To flirt more. You know you like it, and I can smell it on you. You want me. I know it and you know it. Go for the kill, be a man. We could make beautiful music together.

Loki: I_Want_You_To braid my hair.
oren want_me 100402
unhinged care enough to consider how i might be feeling

'i felt like i was the only one calling so i stopped' and something about how you got through the days without me ; i've blocked it from my usually good memory already. is it really that hard for you to conceive that i might need some space?

or was it really cause the last conversation we had got to the root of why me and you aren't together anymore and the truth hurt you?

the solution to your problem is so simple really. the fact that you have the intelligence to acknowledge it gives me a glimmer of hope for you someday. but this day, i don't have the energy to argue or beg at you.
what's it to you?
who go