stork daddy i've decided against living the misguided notion of romanticism which requires me to live a tragic life. i think i will from this point on try to be happy. i'm don't think anymore that being happy is vain, and if it is, perhaps vanity isn't all that bad. so i'll try to make those around me happy as well. there are other ways to be interesting than destroying everything, which is only interesting because it's in tension with what our hearts tell us we should be doing. 061103
Lemon_Soda Here, here. 061103
grendel yeah, i've become averse to the notion of romance myself. Continually ending up with that feeling like being a turtle that had been flipped on its back got really old.

My new found blatant self-centeredness seems to fly a lot better than any of my good intentions ever did (for my road to hell was surely paved therewith)
Ptolemy DCLVIII Romanticism is not synonymous with either tragedy nor destruction! 061103
stork daddy that's why it was a misguided romanticism. silly billy. 061103
Ouroboros a friend of mine (exblathersite) has decided the same thing, and he is ruthlessly pursuing happiness.
from his blog-

"it would have been nowhere as easy to do this had i not first recognised that basic fact of unhappiness.. the instinctual tendency to be unhappy, the basic resentment that colours one's experience. this recognition, and the determination to do something about it, are paramount. without it, any subsequent solution will offer, at best, only a temporary relief, like a truce in a war does. what i am doing is actually ending the war."
Ptolemy DCLVIII Oops. I read it as the_misguided notion_of_romanticism instead of a_misguided_notion of_romanticism.

If I were a truely a romantic, I would faint with embarassment. But as I am only sort of a romantic, I will merely blush.

{flopt} {truly} 061103
Lemon_Soda Romance alone does not a good relationship make. 061109
birdmad perhaps not, but discontent and dissolution usually bloom from its failure 061109
what's it to you?
who go