dB How about that. My time magazine says you are losing faith in your government, your companies, your markets... and so it goes.

Why am I not at all surprised.

Why is that dolt in power anyway? My personal feeling is that because of his association with big buisness the election was rigged. That's the only explanation since I can't imagine anyone actually voting for him.

He wants to declare war on terror (how the hell do you do that exactly).

He wants to declare war on Iraq (for no reason other than Saddam doesn't like him, and look how far his dad got anyway).

Now he wants to force business to open it's books and show exactly what it's doing. He wants to ban CEOs from borrowing money from the company and lying about profits (something he was doing in the 80's without shame or fear).

I can't believe the 'home of democracy' got into such a mess all by itself. normally this sort of shit is called devine justice, but since there isn't a god... you get the idea.

I reckon you should all revolt and change your governmental system. Actually having more than two parties would be a start.
Maybe this shit wouldn't happen as much.

*muttering* land of the free home of the brave... my ass
reitoei where are you from db? i suppose you're one of those godless europeans with competent administration.

fraud, rigging elections, lying. its the american way!!

"corporate responsibility" is just a temporary ploy by Bush to boost his ratings, the economy and take people's minds off that that trifling budget deficit.
dB Oh, right.
Thought as much.

I'm in New Zealand. You know that crack at the bottom of the world.

We don't cound because 37% of americans think we are in australia.
oldephebe don't get me started..i have a love hate relationship with corporate america..i think if compassion and conscience could be wed to the profit imperative along with ethics and sound strategic..more like triage kind of in the trenches management style..that i wouldn't mind getting back into the fray..i'd be proud to identify myself as part of a living breathing organization..but souless corporation? nah 040323
what's it to you?
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