Betwixt I know all, just ask. 020610
daxle why does it feel better with someone you love? 020610
Betwixt Because emotional uphoria mixed with phyisichal uphoria are the ultimate in pleasure. 020613
ziggy freud are sexual depravity and difficulty spelling related? 020613
Betwixt Oh shut up!...and in my case...yes.
Difficulty spelling is not sexy, but it shows you don't care about appearing smart only
Betwixt How do you spell physichal anyways? 020613
blown cherry Physical

Can u tell me why it is that even when I get so horny that I'm clawing at the bed, gasping for breath, and twisting up the sheets to keep myself from imploding, I still don't want it from anyone but him? (I won't even take it from myself)
Teenage Jesus Euphoria 020613
Betwixt Because you are too obsessed. The way to get rid of this probleb is to just try to fuck random people you don't know. If you can't do that, get to know him better and then you really won't wan't him. Unless of course he's actually a nice person. Which is not highly possible, but it could happen. 020613
blown cherry I have fucked a few randoms, didn't really help much, especially when you only see one person in your mind at that crucial point.
And I know him relatively well already, I don't think he'll let me any further.
And so far I still like him, he can be a bit of a schitzoid, but I think that's true of a lot of us blatherskites, and I still love most of you guys.

(plus - the sex with him is REALLY good)
blown cherry but maybe that just points back at daxle's question. 020614
DannyH I am thinking of trying nasal_sex but have heard it may be dangerous for those with sinus problems. What precautions should I take? 020614
Betwixt Vasaline to the nose.
But only if you dont need your nose to breathe.
Anyways, the whole thing is quite kinky if you make sure your nose is fully clean. What could be more emmbarassing than blobing a booger out right in the middle of it.
But, if you do need your nose to breathe, try spacial sex also known as air sex. Very fun, and it will clean out your sinuses if you are the one proforming.
what's it to you?
who go