Fire&Roses Welcome to the Bid Board Auction... Have something you've been dying to get rid of? Well, step right up. Auction anything you'd like, from a dead frozen monkey to well anything.

I'm offering up for auction one small slightly chewed stuffed mole.
Fire&Roses To return to Zern's go through the exit FR006 030807
u24 hmm... what's the starting bid? 040103
Jane Doe how about my soul? If not then I have a nice pencil from state farm insurance. It's nice and sharp. 040103
blah-ze i'll take either. how about a blather barter? unfortunately, i lost mine (pencil, not soul), so i'll trade you four dried out peas from last week and a piece of paper folded up to look like a folded up piece of paper.

or if anyone wants it, i have a real live australian cricket in my room, trapped under my fishtank.
Jane Doe Awesum! blah-zee you may take my soul! and the pencil, I must add it is a very nice pencil. It has all this advertising on it that I have never read. I'm in a rather different mood. It's nice.

Speaking of which I would love to trade a nice kleenex Puffs box (everything seems so nice today) for that cricket! crikey! A real aussie cricket? That is just demanding to be asked for. Do you happen to have any cups? I am looking for a nice cup.
Jane Doe damnit blah-ze**
stupid finger pressed the e button twice. forgive
blah-ze that would be, real dead australian cricket, now. whoops. oh well.

yes, i happen to have a nice cup. two, actually. one is a mug that is black and stripey and makes all coffee put therein tastes better. the other is a freezer flask that has never been washed. in ten years of use.

i have something new to trade... forty eight new christmas cards and forty nine plain white envolopes. they came in a pack of fifty, and i had a few left over after sending them to my friends.
what's it to you?
who go