Megan I want to have thyartshallshant's baby! He's soooo hot and ohmigod he's sooooo sweet and ohmigod!!!!!

I really do love you thy. Do you have a girlfriend?
Thyartshallshant Whoa! That's a surprise. But yea, im taken :( You can still have my babies though, just don't tell anyone. 010121
daxle we do? 010121
Thyartshallshant Some do. Apparently. 010121
Megan *moony love eyes* Will you marry me? 010121
Thyartshallshant We can have a blather_marriage! It's ok cause its not legal! 010121
twiggie oh my... 010121
Megan REALLY????? ..... will you blather_marry me??? PLEASE???? 010121
twiggie nonono i'm putting a stop to this at once.
no blather marriages! you are going to give me grey hairs maggie.
Thyartshallshant My answer is yes! We can be married in blather! We need somebody to wed us! God, will you do us the honor of wedding us? 010121
Megan you can't stop me! I blather_love him!

Just think how much this is pissing off everyone who writes in "what happened to my blather?"
Megan hooray! God, darling, would you be so kind? I'd be honored. 010121
Thyartshallshant Actually, anyone would do, becuase I Love You Megan! 010121
twiggie ok continue...this is too humorous to stop. 010121
Megan Oh, thy! I'm so happy! Where shall we have the ceremony? Right here, or maybe in blather perverts? I'm a chairwoman of the NCSG you know... read into that all you want, but us catholic girls don't do anything until the honeymoon... 010121
Thyartshallshant Hehe, and i really love her! 010121
Thyartshallshant i think we should have thy_and_megan's_blather_wedding! How sweet is that my darling? 010121
Megan It's perfect, just perfect... it's the way every girl should have her wedding! I can't wait! 010121
Thyartshallshant Me neither! *kisses* 010121
Megan *faints* oh the hazards of temptation at my lover's lips! 010121
unhinged HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....oh my. that was just too much for my feeble mind in it's present state. thy reminds me of living in a dorm in college. all people ever do or mostly ever do in a dorm is talk about sex, think about sex, hear about sex, hear people having sex...it's just a fucking brothel. and all thy usually ever talks about is sex. i think he's a sweetie but i don't think i want to blather marry him...... 010121
Thyartshallshant Everybody head on over to thy_and_megan's_blather_wedding, I'm getting married!!! 010121
Thyartshallshant Awww, im a sweety, thanks! 010121
Megan hey, don't mess with my man! 010121
psychobabe now now now people dont argue, we dont want to ruin this for thy and meghan! their perfectly in blather love! hey, i can marry you two, free of charge, cuz i've just taken a course on marriages and realtionships! come on, EVERYONE TO THE WEDDING OF MEGHAN AND THY! 010507
god there is no need to rush the wedding, god will give you all the time you need. 020216
AHHHH!!!! godddammnit!
what's it to you?
who go