Last night I hung out with a couple of friends from high school. I hadn't really hung out with these guys a whole lot in high school, but we decided the three of us were going to get together. One of the guys went to bed, and it was me and the other guy left in the basement. I was going to take a little nap before I had to drive all the way home... Actually, the three of us were in an altered state of mind, and I needed to sleep a little before I felt comfortable driving... Anyway, before I closed my eyes, he was talking about how sometimes, he'll notice things he hadn't noticed before, or see things or people in a new way. Given some other happenings of the night, that made me a bit suspicious that he was talking about me, but I just closed my eyes. I could feel him watching me. I could hear him sighing. I could hear him shifting his body to sit up next to the couch instead of laying on the floor. I could feel my face getting warm. I knew I was being watched, and I wasn't sure if I should just pretend to be sleeping, or "wake-up" and possibly embarass him. I decided to stay sleeping to prevent any awkwardness. I still felt him watching me. He shifted again, this time setting his head near my knees on the couch. I'd never been watched like that before-at least not while I was aware of. It was flattering, but I don't think of him that way. I eventually did fall asleep. When the alarm went off, I woke up and found him sleeping next to the bottom of the couch. It happened while I was sleeping; I don't have to say anything about it. And if he reads this, then he reads it. I'm not sure he frequents blather though...
what's it to you?