Tha Reminder Its funny how things can change from time to time . its sad how one of my closest friends told me that what waz i waitin for because sex did'nt mean SHIT anymore . that it waz just lyke a kiss on the cheek . i wondered and wondered how can someone think lyke this. I mean i aint all that innocent but somethin that i take seriously would be that . its ridicolous how if u have sex wit someone its total bullshit as if nothin happened . I DONT GET IT !!!!!!!!!!!

its makes u wonder if tha recent terroist bombin waz a mistake or maybe just a wake up call of who put u here
an old adage those who forget the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat them 010918
a new adage those who mistake mason jars for glass are doomed to deplete them 010918
florescent light yeah it seems like you don't have much of a memory either
try picking up a grammer book or (godforbid) a dictionary
Dave GrammAr

cube I never really seem to be able to put shameful memories out of my mind. I occasionally recall stupidity from as far back as early childhood which still make me feel shame...
stork daddy when they need not be remembered 030405
She Cube, I thought I was the only one who dug by-gones up like that.

Thank you.
zaxary i sorta get what you mean... wait... no i dont. still. it was nice. 030405
User24 The human mind can never forget anything
It just forget's where it put it.
User24 why on earth did I think 'forgets' needed an apostrophe? 030913
pobodys nerfect you probably knew it didn't,but just "forgot" ;) 030913
krupt the more you learn; the more you know,
the more you know; the more you can forget,
the more you forget; the dumber you become,
this having been said, the more you learn; the dumber you are...
:-) hee hee

climb a tree then !
pSyche n'oubliezpas. 070615
baby wot does dat mean ? 070616
starboy i was going to say, things are indeed forgotten. like spelling, and capitalization and all sorts of basic writing tools. 070617
children of jane You hear that ringing in your ears? Thateeeee’? That’s your ear cells dying. You’ll never be able to hear that frequency again. Enjoy it while you can. 070621
? who designed this website though ? 070621
. i don't understand 070621
jane sag_and_dallas, blather_gods 070622
arg sage_and_dallas 070622
what's it to you?
who go