epitome of incomprehensibility
Here, I'm burning the flag of the Imaginary Nation of Canaduckia. I really should recycle it, but it's snowing, and I need something to keep my metaphysics warm through the cold Canadian_Winter night.
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Burning your last remaining scrap of tinder, the flag of Canaduckia. How Dr. Zhivago of you! Props.
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I must admit I've never read/watched Dr. Zhivago. But I remember that the name of an actual anarchist is Russian and starts with a B. I just can't remember what it is, though.
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Ah, yes. I'm thinking of Mikhail Bakunin. Wikipedia tells me that a guy of that name was also a character on Lost. Ah, Wikipedia. What would I do without you?
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since blather is the perfect anarchist tool, what happens when you are an anarchist against anarchism itself?
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Well then you're an anarchist.. with a serious complex. I'm just not sure which kind of complex. Perhaps Anarchist-Dysmorphic disorder? Or just someone with a very realistic concept in mind. Most anarchists, serious ones anyway, have at some point considered the idea of what they're doing to be futile and almost contradictory. Well, I believe so.
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Blather_anarchist needn't imply being against blather. It could mean that someone is an anarchist and also on blather. It could mean that someone is an anarchist only on blather, and elsewhere they're a socialist conservative Quaker or something. My impetus to start this page was rather mundane: I didn't want to take sides in an argument. (Nobody was telling me to take sides, of course!) I don't know enough about anarchism to seriously say I'm an anarchist, but I do know I'd rather form friendships than allegiances. If Person A is angry at Person B, it isn't automatically my duty to side with Person A just because I know them better. Loyalty, to me, is a mixed virtue: the above aspect of it I dislike. Fairness and helpfulness and looking out for others - those parts I like. All of which probably has nothing to do with anarchism. Apply it to the relation of an individual to a political state and maybe it becomes more pertinent. I wouldn't fight "for my country" (what about my country am I fighting for? What is a country anyway?) but I might be convinced to fight under the banner of [insert political state here] if I was convinced it would help others in some way. Even fighting for an abstraction (e.g. "equal rights") would be better than fighting "for" a country. Don't take me to literally. I'm not in the military. I'm not a poet and now you know it.
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(Yes, don't take me to literally. I don't LIKE going to literally! The to/too/two distinction is something I should have learned. In grade too.)
what's it to you?