pete a nazi, an asshole, a metaphysician. and here i am, hammering through one of his books on a friday night, wondering what i've got myself into 061124
jane i stick to sartre 061125
pete i, personally, prefer foucault. he was more of a historian anyways. 061125
u24 haven't read him. My fellow students tell me he's hard. 061125
Ptolemy DCLVIII I really enjoyed Heidegger. Then a peer informed me that I had wholly misunderstood him. So I was left with the paradox of having derived [true] meaning from [a false] interpretation. This is especially ironic given my earlier philosophical diatribes... .

Of particular note is his appreciation for Poetry as insight into truth.
pete i find his going back to "true greek" with "true german" to be highly contentious. he never establishes that the presocrates had a monopoly on truth. he only asserts it and moves along, bring up this (and other) unsupported assertions again and again to make them seem true. seductively slippery. 061126
somebody Large quantities of Heidegger's work remains untranslated into English, I hear. 061126
pete Spiegel: And what takes the place of philosophy now?
Heidegger: Cybernetics.

From the Der Spiegel Interview.
() ( interesting, but like nietzsche, ultimately incoherent from the logical perspective. and also like nietzsche, tainted by history. ) 061206
pete they are both more believable than hegel, marx, or kant. 061206
() ( i guess that depends on what assumptions you begin with and how you define believable. ) 061206
() ( but yeah, i would agree. ) 061206
pete procrastanting, i have to finish the letter on humanism and the question concering technology before i go home... i really don't care though. heidegger. say. something.

i came into heidegger enjoying foucault.
() ( i really like that whole branch of philosophy if i am thinking in terms of aesthetics and epistemology, but it tends to be inconclusive in metaphysical, scientific or real-world terms. some things remain ineffable and unknowable. i am ok with that. still, it's interesting to see someone try. ) 061206
pete it is. i am a believer in existence being and, thus, regardless of what we think as humans, it has been so and it is so and it will continue to be so, so it is more important to know how we, as a society culture nation species have lived than trying to figure out why.

more a historian than a philosopher.
pete more heidegger, it's almost over, but writing down my thoughts on heidegger make them (and him) seem more coherent, though still disagreeable. 061207
. i have tits like large ripe watermelons 061208
pete now that that's over with i feel like i've woken from a long and tumultuous dream, only thing is it wasn't. time to tone down the philosophy-brain and get back in historian mode for the next project, then back to philosophy again. long live falsely labelled courses! 061209
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