MollyGoLightly B is here!

She looks like the luck dragon from the Neverending Story.
The Schleiffen Man She's like the dragon but more lovable and huggable. Especially when she sits in your lap.... =D I love it.... 000529
gregg this chick hypnotized me once and made a girl called Beatrice in my mind, she has long black hair, a black dress, and eyes like black pearls..shes quite beautiful and is probaby responsible for my introversion and obsession with sex... 000529
MollyGoLightly She makes a worried face when I sing her name...I guess I'd better stop. 000529
Brad A great sam rivers tune. The first tune i played when i joined up with an avant-garde jazz group here in memphis last summer. 000529
The Schleiffen Man I have an Aunt named Beatrice. After her husband died, she was caught in a scandal involving her (a secretary), a biology teacher, and the principal of the Middle School where they all worked. Needless to say, it was amusing for all but those involved. 000608
jennifer There was a church in Beatrice (Nebraska) that blew up one day because of a defect in the wiring (or something) strange thing was that everyone that was supposed to be there that night got sidetracked, or just plain couldn't make it there. There were no injuries.
I think that is pretty damn cool.
Lily the poet Dante's love, as well as my great grandmother (the one I wasn't named for). I think it sounds cooler in Italian. 020507
god we're beatrice 020508
tanya (not tonya) now_more_than_ever 020509
kipper A tall, loose limbed girl. She sat a few desks ahead of me in biology class and was beautiful that everything else stopped mattering when i looked at her. She had one of those quiet, sweet laughs that haunted whatever room she was in. Made her everybodies focus, made colours fade and tastes dull. God i miss her, and it is not as if we were great friend, just buddies really. It sounds, reading this back, as though i was in love with her. I wasn't, that part of me was always aimed a a girl called Mel. Sometimes though you get to be near people who are made of magic, lit from within, and when you do it stays with you forever. 060614
what's it to you?
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