sabbie and thats it.
its over.
7 months of my life
and its come

but scattered around me still
are her life pieces
her little boxes
her art.

its been and gone
and i thought id feel lost
but i still have it all around
and theres always another rock to stand on
whilst crossing this stream.

theres always something more to do

and next

and next


sabbie and the last thing
to do
is wipe the sig

not need that no more...


might do that tommorrow.
im not quite that ready
to close the book
so fully
somebody * ON MSNBC TV *

Tuesday, 7 p.m. ET

They were supposed to go home, but the army is keeping them in the line of fire. Chris Matthews tells you what some of America's troops are doing to try to get out of Iraq.
blort snarf schlurp! ever feel like your reality is about to fall away like puzzlepieces or perhaps melt away like too much paint would do on a wall...2d style?
or the sky would collapse if it had the chance...the stars and weight of the earths atmosphere just collapse upon us all...unwillingly...but not having any other choice?
somehow you end up in this 2 dimensional world that you never thought existed...that it was 3d before. but then, would time continue?
could you will a complexity? could you complicate 2d to 3d again? would you remember what you knew or would things collapse to a simpler method? maybe it becomes more complex ...to avoid other objects might become a chore?
or because you were 3d, you simply ended, not existing anymore?
tonight, it seems, reality melts away
what's it to you?
who go