meg even though my head is fuzzy and I take offense to everything...

this is me always loving you.

even though i frustrate you...

this is me always loving you.

even when you don't see it...

this is me always loving you.

Ashley I will always love you.
Fire & Roses When I scream why at the cold unforgiving stars. When your name falls in dew drops of anguish scorching my parched lips. When I close my eyes and try to claw my way out of these unforgiving depths. This is me always loving you.

When I roll in the sunshine of my bright orange laughter. When you name falls in burbling giggles from my silver tongue. When my arms reach towards the towering heavens and almost seem to touch. This is me always loving you.

When I can no longer speak or see.
When I can no longer taste or touch.
When all I am is but a silent memory.
This is me always loving you.
Trainer this reminds me of the song by 311 called "love song" and where hes like 'how ever far away, I will always love you' yeah, thats a good song.. it also reminds me of someone I love who is so very far away because no matter how far away he is, and whatever things are said hes still beautiful in every way and I will always love him 040518
pobodys nerfect That's a song originally written and sung by The Cure. 040518
Trainer really, I didnt know that.. Ill have to hear their version 040518
Syrope even when your kisses cause tears to stream down my cheeks

even when i have to force myself to ever-so-ungracefully crawl out of your car and walk into my house without looking back

even when i hear things in what you say that i know you don't mean

even when i don't have the answers you need from me

j_blue depressed people hear things that arent meant/said or intimated, especially when they hurt 040519
pete j_blue, verily 040519
witchesrequiem even when your scared and play tough...
even when you ask me big things and act as if they are small..
after you laugh and cover your mouth to hide your perfect smile..
through the years and years of unplaned distance.
We still find each other up to our worst, in some dark bar..
phil devotion 040521
puredream how short always is. 061005
what's it to you?
who go