whoknows yes, yes it is 011204
ClairE I haven't tried it yet but Coke did it first, heehee. There is diet_lemon_pepsi, is all lemon_pepsi diet? 011204
whoknows theres a diet i think.
man, i didnt mean to get this shit! i thought it was the real stuff. they should make the label yellow or something. or put "this stuff is shit" on it in big red letters
unhinged somehow i don't think that would be a clever marketing strategy

lemon fresh birdmad a looooong time ago there was a diet only version of lemon pepsi (now i'm showing my age)

"pepsi light" came in a blue can with a little 70's style font and graphic of a lemon wedge on the can
it actually tasted good, and it covered over the saccharine aftertaste (the daysa before the equally vile nutrasweet/aspartame)

i'll admit to not being too thrilled with the new stuff, the lemon flavor reminds me of the lemony aftertaste that hits me after too many shots of bacardi limon, like it was overly concentrated (with alohol it's fine, with soda...not quite)
Zaphod EVIL... EVIL... EVIL... 011205
lost i think that they just put lemon on the label. it doesnt taste any different to me. 011205
insight it's been popular in mexico for a good long time 011205
niki i would like to try strawberry coke...i love starwberry anything just about 011205
whoknows ive decided its much better at room temperature than it is cold 011205
ClairE So is diet_Coke_with_lemon.

Can they please stop fucking around with soda and just give us goodness?
bethany yeah but that damn hallie, hale, hally, comercial is worse. i'd drink before watching 020212
pralines&cream I love the hallie eisenberg/halle berry/barry bostwick (who's barry bostwick *shrug*) commercial.

It may also be because I loved the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
death to the bourgeoisies LEMONS differs from the land they came from, differs from the trees they came from, differs from harvests trought the time
LEMONS differs
LEMONS aren’t serialized and can’t follow a exact patternthey can’t follow the rules, they can’t be STANDARD LEMONS

LEMONS are ANTI-CAPITALISTIC… (what about your pop now?)
taste make pure strawberry juice then !

i will clean my car metal parts with coke and pepsi cos its got acid in it and it corrodes your body.

"Alkalize or Die" - who told me that then !

taste the natural unmixed stuff.. its more colourful too.

Organic should be half the price not double the price.
what's it to you?
who go