kinkazoid i say alot of stuff that isnt true but it isnt lying, its more like joking around and if anyone were to ask me "swear to god?" i couldnt lie, i just cant lie if i am asked that..
my boyfriend started doing the same just as a way to know what each other is joking about and stuff, so when we are upset and say nothing i wrong, we jsut hafto admit that something is wrong. well last night he said "swear to god" about something but it wasnt true and instantly a tear ran down my cheek, now i really know how it feels to actualy have a broken heart
god hey, even i don't take the "swear to god" thing seriously. 010618
nocturnal well of course not. you couldn't possibly, you'd never get a second of peace if you responded every time someone said "I swear to god" 010618
black-dyed gel product I tried swearing to my golden calf, but it made me wash my mouth out with soap. 010618
Dafremen Fuck you God! You f*cking piece of sh*t! How dare you do what you do when you did what you did to meeeeee...oo..oooo...er No wait a minute! You don't deserve a SONG...you deserve a youdamned kick in the nuts.

I hope you get yer f*cking fat ass caught in some omnipotent bear trap you fetal queef you!

(How was that? Does it still count as swearing if I censor the profanity?)
god that's not bad. now, i do have a beer gut, but my ass isn't really fat. i prefer you leave in the profanity, maybe some goddamns or some motherfuckers would be nice. or you could tell me you're coming to my house tonight to cut my fucking head off. that would be neat.
god ps, was that jermaine jackson? that's horrible. excellent work. 010619
unique butterfly A LOT is TWO words
not one.
phil bastard 030409
tricky i decided today that i will never swear to god again in my life. it's pointless. it's only a way for people to ask if you're lying or not. and if you refuse to swear to god all the time, they can't just say, oohhhh you're lying aren't you? it'll just be the norm. i can just say, no, i don't swear to god, it's not my thing. 030409
what's it to you?
who go