sab and i have, once again
mortgaged my skin
to purchase my sanity


and i write this here
so that i remember

so that in the months to come
i will be able to know
exactly why it happens
the way it does

a match, a fire
a spark of pain
bringing me back to earth
reeling me in
from the whirling skies
gathering the fragmenting sab close


the pain is hot
and fast
and receeds quite quickly

lands me back with a jolt
and is gone again

the cuts
stay longer
hurt longer
are still hurting

the cuts continue to bargin for my sanity

i continue to bargin
for my sanity

without words
without deeds
without thoughts

thoughtlessly i figured
that the hardest part was done.

i never thought
to think
that it might affect
that they would have a reaction
that they would need to deal
with the bombshell that i dropped
and exploded without warning
in their lives.

and i never thought to think
that they would try to help
althought had i been capible of thought
i would have known.

im sorry, but i cannot talk to you
about it.

i have enough to do
just holding on
it is taking all my energy
simply to survive

please dont talk to me
about this now

i am barely skimming the surface of sanity now
and i bought that yesterday
at a price that i was unkeen to pay.

but ended up paying it anyway

i'll be paying for this
for years to come

we all will
incoherent and i cannot last under a blade that
maims but never kills
and a life that is sharper still
Cornerstone . 040618
Borealis this is not a cry for help
nor is it the result of self-pity
or a masochistic mindset..per se

I am what I am..
and you know that I revel in this.
nothing gives me a greater sense of wholeness than to see a person in me who deliberately, and painfully, steps apart from the grain of the wood.

my trees grow at a 90 degree angle to yours.
and with a thought of my own, they will continue to grow happily, turned one more notch...

where your floor is my ceiling, and your ceiling is my floor, there is my home.

if the price is a kick in the face from time to time..
this is me paying the price.
what's it to you?
who go