sweetheart of the song tra bong My parents are going to freak.

This is my first deviant act.
xedla ~~~~~~~~~Public Service Announcement~~~~~~~~~~~

the first rule of cartilage piercing club is NEVER USE A GUN... it MUST be a NEEDLE. so your friend got pierced with a gun and her ear doesn't look like a big piece of cauliflower... well she's pretty fucking lucky. think about what happens when you try to pierce a cracker with a non hollow point... sometimes it works but sometimes it shatters. that's completely analagous to your cartilage. now go home and think about that kids.
Aimee ouch ouch ouch!

It hurt so bad, then it got infected and i took it out... fucking trainee's using me as a pin cushion...
daxs piercing compendium ~~~~~~~~~~~PSA~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1) ask if all reusable objects (eg clamps) have been autoclaved (eg sterilized) and if all non reusables (needles) are in fact new
2) ask if they have much experience doing the piercing you are having them do
3) don't touch the piercing ever, except to wash it
4) wash with anti bacterial soap, rotating the jewelry 1-2 times a day, soaking with hot water for a few minutes before and afterwards
5) do not touch it! not if it itches, not if it hurts, not if anything. if it gets bumped accidentally, wash it when you have a chance
6) over washing can also irritate
7) if infected do hot water sea salt soaks as often as you can stand, and rinse afterwards. do not remove the jewelry until the infection is gone because it may get worse without the jewelry to push soap though. if you can get antibiotics cheap, they can be very effective.
8) if it never seems to get All the way better, wait until it is at it's best and then take out the jewelry. you were pierced badly if this happens and you took good care of it. never go back to that piercer.
falling_alone looks like i can relate with all of the above. 060618
what's it to you?
who go