the cheer-up kid Life's a piece of shit
when you look at it
lifes a laugh and deaths a joke
its true.

There's nothing we can do. the worlds leaders don't have the will or the foresight to sort out the mess. they're just going to keep killing till they've rooted out all the evil so let's loot some champagne and dance to the radioactive beat while we watch the light show and know there's no regrets in the morning...THERE IS NO MORNING.
. . 041026
Piso Mojado the restaurant at the end of the universe? 041026
from now on the surprize at the bottom of the cereal box 041026
the end of the world party (pun) we're throwing it.
we're also destroying the world, so if you want to party let us know.


our political party is going to make sure there is more night time, and in doing so this will alter the earth's rotation and will send us spiralling into mars.

have a nice life everybody,
and vote for us!
three words the_party_at_the_end_of_the_world sigma everyone_leaves 060209
ivyducktwilightseto where you can drink all day and not get sick

turn the music up as loud as you can and not go deaf

take all the drugs you can and not overdose

party as hard as you want and the cops never come

fall in love with the most beautiful girl you've ever met

have the best time you ever possibly could

at the party at the end of the world, where the sun never rises, a new day never begins, and we can never die.
. hostess_of_the_apocalypse will announce the date, siren_of_the_apocalyspe will sing out the place, and all the fine folk at apocalypse_inc will make your end_of_the_world_as_we_know it feel fine!

(i'm betting it's gonna be in europe in a couple of years, but i have inside information)
. make that siren_of_the_apocalypse 060209
zanna mark me down as planning to be in attendance. 060210
kid andre Inhibitions loosen as the apocalypse nears
It will be a blast

Wear your nicest clothes
Bring your finest booze
We'll give it one last shot
what's it to you?
who go