white_wave was blatherstalking if I'm wrong about that, then at least you get an extra day of celebration.

and look on the bright side. at least you aren't as old as me....
ambermoon its your birthday?...well hope its a good one. 040316
white_wave shhh! He hasn't shown up yet. Let's throw him a surprise party. 040316
white_wave Well, he didn't even show up to his own surprise party. Okay, let's drink all of his booze, eat all of his cake, and open all of his gifts. 040317
bird offline_blues

protracted argument with phone company still ongoing

took a week's vacation off of work and hung out around the house where every day managed to be annoying_kitty_day thanks to recent sporadic outbreaks of simmering_kitty_violence and, as such, had no access for a few days

visiting blather between office tasks

thank you, though

pipers wearing funny hat HAPPY BIRD-DAYYYYYY!!!

*arrives with carload of goodies and noisemakers*
stork daddy happy birthday. i'll send you what i send everyone on their birthday, even my six year old nephew - a bottle of 151 040323
jane happy birthday 040323
minnesota_chris every birthday, you send your six year old nephew?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You get to babysit, yay!
stork daddy does the comma separating including from those included from that being sent still hold when the word is even. i think they're slightly different. 040323
minnesota_chris ooh, that's twice when I've been dense on your blathes. I'm just being sleepy here storky 040323
minnesota_chris "I'll send you any present you want, even a million dollars" I realize the construction is a bit different, but it is funny, isn't it? Isn't it?

pobodys nerfect *grabs one of pipey's funky birthday hats and starts a birthday congo line, singing "Happy Happy Birth-day! Hope you had a great day!" *
But seriously,hope you were able to just chill out and relax and enjoy the day. :D
white_wave Belated birthday greetings from the_creator_of_this_blathe. As not to creep you out, I had a hint from aztec_astrology. And I found out the day Xipe_Totec was to celebrate another year alive.

Now let's see if can buy back your gifts that I just sold to the pawn shop.....
nom happy earthbirthday bird 040323
Adriana Happy very belated birthday, birdmad :) 040323
what's it to you?
who go