not tonya tonya, upon a reunion with her older sister from a previous litter

lots of drama.


yeah, something like that.

gotta love the krack_kat
sweetheart of the song tra bong Like kitten_mayhem? 030825
psycho kitty (qest que cest) kinda.

funny how Shadow, nearly full grown has resigned herself to being the beta, terrified of her baby sister, presently half her size

i've had to use all the partitions in my house to create the berlin kitty divide to keep tonya from starting something she might not finish, all the posturing and growling and hissing through the shutters that separate the kitchen from my room
wingedSerpent they get along now, unless they're particularly bored or unless it is particularly late at night or early in the morning and i am trying to sleep, then it turns on into a tandem version of kitty_freak_out_hour 031010
closet ballerina yeah, i have two cats and they also prefer to fight at two in the morning.
also, it's spelled
"qu'est-ce que c'est".
je pense.
ferret do NOT mess with my kitty! 031011
wingedSerpent yeah, the little beasties like fighting right around the time i'm trying to go to bed (generally about 2 AM) and again about an hour and a half before my alarm goes off (alarm goes off at 6:30, kittens go off at 5)

hah..."kittens go off at five" makes them sound like bombs... considering all the shit they knock over i guess that's not inaccurate
jenny sans dots kitty_in_a_crockpot 040406
Alex hmmm pussy 040507
birdmad i_got_a_cat_nemed_spooky

Shadow does not care one way or the other, but once again, Tonya is less than pleased.

a age 5-1/2 Tonya has perfected the art of being the big_electric_cat (and a bitchy one to all but me)
spellchecking bird i_got_a_cat_named_spooky 080623
what's it to you?
who go