How many licks does it take?
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ive never had one or let alone seen one, but thanks smurfus rex for givin me one :)
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smurfus rex
I have found that it takes me precisely 23 licks before I start crunching. How many does it take for you, Doar? I have also found, insecure_goth_girl, that Tootsie Roll Pops of any and every flavor make a convenient, pocket-sized, inexpensive, nigh-perfect comfort food that can be indulged in at any time of the day or night. They make you wait, even if it's for a little bit, for your reward and when you finally get to the center, life is just a little bit better. I can't explain why or how, it just is. :)
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smurfus rex
d'oh! Doar = Deomis habit. :D
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ooo cool i want one for real now! do they sell them in england?
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hey hey hey!!! why cant i get a tootisie roll pop! im not gonna ask again...
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I don't like Tootsie rolls, so I wouldn't really know how many licks it takes. Yes, the horror.
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Oh, and smurf [us rex] May I inquire as to how that name came to be?
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smurfus rex
goth_girl: you should be able to find them in a candy store at best and a gas station at worst. If you can't find any, let me know. I'll mail you some. Seriously. kookaburra: I tossed you one in who_are_you , but here's another one *toss* because you can't have just one! deomis: how...can...you...not...? do you have an allergy? a distaste of chocolate? what, pray tell, do you not like about tootsie rolls? :):) as for my nick, well, I'm not really sure how it came about. It just popped in my head when I finished my first blathe. Now I think it's funny, cuz it makes me sound like Papa Smurf's rival or something. :) What about yours?
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Don't like chocolate?!? Good Heavens, NO! As for tootsie rolls, they don't even taste remotely like chocolate. I mean, they are more than likely 50% wax or rubber or something like that, so why should they taste like chocolate? You are just eating a small chewy, chocolate scented candle, in my opinion. Oop, sorry for not clarifying. I meant, how in the blazes did you happen to associate me with Doar? My name? It was the name of my favorite character in a rather lenghty story I wrote. And the name, I think, when sliced and diced, comes out as Deo [God] mis [I/my ?]. So it's some form of I am God or my God... I don't know. hmm, maybe I should look for that....
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smurfus rex
I think it was the capital D that started it. That and I clicked 'blather' before my brain caught up with my fingers. I've almost worn off all the letters on my backspace key because of that...
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lol i love you smurfus rex, you're so cooool *dances with her tootsie roll pop* i've never actually seen one in either a candy store or a gas station, but i'm gonna dedicate my life to finding one now *nods solemnly*
what's it to you?