devalis I'd be setting myself up if I said there are none.

I'd also be lying.

It's hard to describe the thoughts inside my head. It's stupid, almost, because I think way too much. But I've come to realize that all_of_it_is_nothing.
cacophonous rage as opposed to the ones on the outside of your head? 031219
stork daddy please please...for once you fool keep them there. for once, act with the understanding that inside your head is the only place for them. 031219
stork daddy do thoughts release energy as heat when they become words in an elastic collision? and is momentum conserved? 031219
pipedream probably...and one thought sparks off another, so momentum is like the stick at a relay race, passed on from one thought to another in a circuitous never-ending jog. 031219
pSyche If a dead someone has no toes, what do they do with the toe tag? 060415
odedd why can't you be the person inside my head? 090113
poor social interactor I opened my leaver's book
Just a notebook that people wrote leaving messages in...

and found a few pages that were written upon.

most said

'i never really knew you, but...'

and looking back on it, made me sad.

most were just courtesy comments.
i never really liked school and the people in it,
and this reflects the impression they had of me.

i was surprised by how sad this just made me feel.
and i thought that i have changed,
but i still have only a few friends, the rest are just acquaintances.

i don't think i know how to get close to people.

just a poor social interactor.
Lemon_Soda It is rather easy, if your willing. Love people despite their faults. Help them, do nice things for them, decide on your own they are worth your time. You will have more friends than you know what to do with. 090114
() (thoughts outside my head would be interesting) 090114
In_Bloom A few broke loose
They could be anywhere so keep an eye open
I can't be responsible for what they may do
what's it to you?
who go