seeking sight and I switch, from name to name, forever hiding somewhere else, nobody will ever find me
as easy as typing in a new combination of characters which is my sole identity, for I fear solidity, prefer the quiet transience of obscurity, joining the other silent masses or lurkers
I fear those who will not let me lurk quietly, watch my passage, my pointless meanderings, come back to whatever my source of the moment is and watch me
But I want to be heard, in ever-disconnected bits and bytes, and so wander
Then type in a new name, and begin again, always being nothing, looking for something
minnesota_chris well I like your writing, regardless of your silly name. 040626
seeking sight ah, and that's how it hangs around, people telling the name it's intelligent, the name's silly, perhaps it should be changed the millionth time, searching for identity for itself, a word which is perfect, as that isn't it 040626
known and yet not what if i refuse to hear the opinions of the others?
what if i do as i choose?
what if i decide that your words dictate nothing but your own selfish desire at understanding and identifying me, the unknown,

fungus doesn't easily grow on a forever rolling stone and you can't catch what you can never find
Hitler vs. Bush * Scary_'Parallels' *

Hitler Image Used in Bush Campaign Web Ad
baka i have more than a few and some of them are almost some good.
but when you figure in that each personality has at least two personal nagging voices...
lets just say it gets a little crowded around here...
To be Exact More than Two... 040718
kx21 OOps...

Man_'Talk' & Woman_'Nag', plus other chicken_flavor(s)

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112 tbmc 121124
what's it to you?
who go