unhinged i'm not upset at you. i couldn't possibly be upset at you. just the situation; the bullshit situation of the distance between us.

to finally touch you, look in your eyes, have a person across from me. a person who knows more about me than so so many. i was so happy when you were here that there is a little bit of a vacuum i'll have to get over.

you didn't harm me
my life without you harms me
it was intense
better than imagined
you didn't harm me
? who is that ? 070324
unhinged yes
it's definitely my life without you
that harms me
how cosmically cruel and twisted

there is no doubt how happy you make me
the bruises are almost gone
just some tiny little red remanants
that don't resemble a mouth anymore
but the memories
make my mouth explode into
dimples and teeth
my skin tingle
my heart feel full

how cosmically cruel and twisted
i must have been a straight up bitch
to a lover of mine
unhinged it was
you were
exactly as i imagined it
as a little girl
a libran hopeless_romantic
exactly as i imagined it
how i should have felt as a teenager
young again
light again
perfect again (if it ever was)
pSyche don't_correct_me 070326
Snoop Snoop Dogg !

saw you on TV today...

now you need to sing love songs... !! ha ha !
or pirate songs... I an't no bitch !
attitude man !
i ain't no mother fucker either.
i do like your music but ony a little bit !
ha ! don't call me a bitch then !
we all want to be friends - i do anyway.

are you in UK now ?
what's it to you?
who go