Just so you know, I love you and everything is going to be alright. Sorry to have been on your back for so long. I guess it took raising our energy level a couple of notches to make it happen. I'm just glad it finally happened. You've been hurting for far too long. When I saw you this morning, so fragile and small after that perceived rejection, I felt you curl up inside of yourself..feeling you had no where else to go, and was moved. I couldn't hold out anymore. I had to hold you and comfort you. You have been scolded by Father long enough. You need the other kind of love. And that's how we bonded this morning. That's why I held you. It's why I finally picked you up and loved you as you deserved to be loved. Because you deserve to be loved. You asked a question a few years back. You wanted to know what happened when we connected to the source. More specifically, you wanted to know what happened to you, since you no longer perceived yourself. Did you disappear? Do you exist at all? Here is the answer to your question: No, you are not a figment of our imagination, and you do not cease to exist. When the connection is made we simply relinquish the fork in the road to our spirit, and along with it..all of our worries. The spirit in turn will relinquish that choice to a another power which directs and connects everything. It is this power which will keep us safe and teaches us through experience, everything we need to learn. It will guide us through this maze. We are just links in the chain, you and I. And all of these levels are just other links in similar connections which are forming Indra's net. One missing link, and a chain is just as disconnected from its purpose; the network just as incomplete. It is in this way that there is no you, or I or even them. There is only us. All is well, so don't be afraid, beautiful self. No one throws away that which has purpose. You have purpose..so be well and fulfill it. If you ever need to be held again, we're all here for you. Sorry it took so long to write. Love, Yourself and friends
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