anomalous i wonder if he's ever had poutine 050502
anomalous or if he likes pudding 050502
swamp fly i wonder if he's ever had boudin (it is jazz fest weekend, afterall). 050502
black hunter I like it better when they putout. 060803
n o m free_pussy_riot! 120817
silentbob This came up on my three_words today, oddly timely. I wonder if blather knows somehow or if it truly is random.

Anyway, this guy's a dick.
epitome of incomprehensibility Well, he's not Stalin, but he's pretty much the Russian George W. Bush.

Though if I were the world, I'd let Russia have their Crimea. The people there did vote on it, and even if Putin's trying to bully his way into the rest of Ukraine, I'd leave him alone and not provoke him to fighting. That's what bullies want, to get into fights.

(Everything I Need To Know in Life I Learned in Grade Five?)

But of course we can't just ignore everything and hope it'll get better. Where can specified, non-military pressure be applied? The weapon of shame in our peer-pressure arsenal? Probably about treating your own people well. Putin, I don't like your "Oh, being gay is evil," kick, as well as the "Don't protest, because that's evil too," kick. Kick kick. But some leaders would downright support that. What about Edward Snowden? Was that a nice thing to do, to give him asylum? Fair enough, but it was mostly to piss off the U.S. So how do you like it when I call you George W. Bush, eh, Putin? ...That's right. Go and stand in the corner until you've learned to behave.
silentbob I have to disclose my ignorance card; I am not totally up on my Russian history. But Russia's presence in other now autonomous nations feels like a land grab to reclaim the USSR, which I thought everyone agreed they were glad to be rid of. I thought a lot of work on Russia's part went into the peace process and it seems like Putin is undoing that. 140326
e_o_i Yeah.

"The worst case scenario," I said to my dad's colleagues at lunch (after randomly showing up in the library to not-work on my laptop) "is that he starts a war."

Secretary of the Order of Numbers: "You say the worst case scenario and you're smiling."

I didn't mean to smile. I don't like war, I really don't.
what's it to you?
who go