fyn gula I like your confidence, it is what i want to see in myself.
even in your conversation i know you work hard on your farm and the passion is unmistakeable.
so it's little wonder we are becoming some kind of friends.
those times i come ino the health food store and we discuss our chickens
why yours are laying in comfort and mine are not.
i whisper in your ear that i yelled at mine and they told me to "cluck off!"
your laughter, a burst of affirmation was one of the sounds that would always make me happy.
camille hahahahaha

i had a chicken once his name?....Cruiser

I had lived in a small town, a small college town. On the front page was a picture of a rooster amidst college students...evidently someone had thought the university an adequate place for foul play.

In the ad was a plea for someone to give cruiser a home as he was "cruisin for campus chicks".

I decided to give this lone bird a home..well this foul was fouled up after realizing his crow was not all there..

Early in the morning before the sun came up he began to crow errrrrrrr...errr..errr er......(suck in air big time and make a loud sound like gasping for air) no roo left in his crow..

well ... i couldn't have a rooster crowing in my neighbor's window with a fouled up crow with no roo

The neighbor on the otherside of me said he would gladly take cruiser...

well two days into the dilemna i went out in my back yard just in time to see him swingin ol cruiser by the neck...

oh my gosh ...cruiser..was going to be chicken soup or dumplings without the roo

i closed my eyes with guilt but looked up in time to see that my neighbor had mishandled the bird and it was running all over the yard in circles... and i yelled run cruiser run...but he didn't know where to run...he continued his circles without the roo

i have not forgiven myself for handing him over to roo-thless hands
skiblu that i could do without 000724
what's it to you?
who go