shinequwa My throat hurts, my head hurts, i cant breath, i missed a chem lab, french test, history quiz, vocab test, and math test since i stayed home from school... all that i have to stay after school to make up next week.. which is finals week so that'll just make things a whole lot worse. I think im going to go make myself some tea, get a piece of apple pie, and go watch the little mermaid 040123
nomme i was in the little mermaid play once in school, i got to be one of the mermaids

fun songs

oh hey,
get better!

, acting member of the_blather_be_well_club
oh wellllll maybe blather_be_well_club sounds dumb 040124
shinequwa I think that a blather_be_well_club sounds awesome!!! It's a super idea! 040125
misstree i am sick every day.
sick sick sick.
and nefarious too.
three words inanimate weather_report i_am_sick_today 050224
Mister Brightside recurring cough
the kind that sounds like a big ol' stubborn hairball

thankfully, the fits have slowed to once every 3 to 4 hours or so, which is better than the annoying phenomena of scaring the bejesus out of the office with a violent coughing jag every 45 minutes

and since no flesh or blood has come up, i'll assume it's not anything dangerous
thieums I've been sick for years
But I don't care
I will die someday
But not today
pSyche Please, just let me pull the covers up over my head and go back to bed.
I have no fever.
I have no chills.
I have no headache.
The only sickness I have today...
is mental.
Life sickness.
So please.
Just let me go back to sleep
and die in my dreams.
Because I am sick of life.
unhinged stupid cold 091118
ergo Please don't sneeze all over the monitor,
I can't afford to get sick.
unhinged funny, i said that just the other day to someone on the phone:

'i feel like i'm getting sick just talking to you'
i am wearing them and because i just did i was sick yesterday and the day before, stomach virus...so now, much like the death_star, my exhaust port feels like it's about two meters wide 091118
what's it to you?
who go