u24 you might also like test_page_index 050920
andru235 very interesting. thanks for the hookup user24!

it's amazing; i thought i'd seen most of what blather had to offer. then, in one week, i learn about the hidden pages, that blather red has a totally different set of entries, and now, all these test pages. yee-haw!
u24 no-one has seen most of blather.
have you seen the maze?
and the blatheworld?
very much worth a look.
oldephebe Look, lemme foist jus' concede dat i didn't read most of you and dudes scintillating and substantive deliberations on the topic -


But I totally understand about the whole symbolic and sadly quite literal universes of control--and that aegis of municipal or state sponsered and at times enforced psychological/psychopharmacological intervention is a brutal and heartless system of coercion and control that is mostly constructed to extract state and federal monies from Medicare/Medicade and SSI and other State and Federal Agencies. It's just like in the law. Those who get reall justice often have the assets to procure it. Those who recieve compassionate and competant and empthic psychiatric care often those who have the social and financial pedigree and resources to procure it or at least demand a higher standard of treachment.

The Hoary hypathalmus is a bad mamjamma and even now those at the vanguard of this kind of research are just begginign to make the conection between the reptilian/primordial mind and its impact on how the mind can generate and respond to chemical cues that are then recognized and processed as emotions/stimilus with its atendant "meaning".

I couldn't find the blathepage and i remember reading something you or dude wrote that was...well intriguing.

You boys know your stuff.

ah yeah so could you just leave the link on this page? I'd like to read through it today sometime.
oE Oh.


Whaddaya know?

There it is.

So i'll just click on it.

anne-girl anything happening on the blather_music front? 051004
andru235 aye! seven done. am ambitious, but have observed its best to say little about stuff until its done.

but...will any of it even sound good on midi (i'm writing it all on and older computer with finale and converting it to midi, then bringing it this computer eventually...)

and...where will i put it?

ah well, i can figure all that out once i've got the bulk of it done. fifteen minutes of music so far. barely started? who knows.
what's it to you?
who go