dr. ameen M Physics 21: Extra Dimensions


From the existing knowledge of accepted "Measure of Realities"one can percieve the the description of the UNIVERSE is inadequate and needs lot more inquiries into the "PHENOMENOLOGICAL" implications to explore the missing variables to be accounted for.Even Feynman's sum over histories indicated that his work helped but not resolved the dielemma of Virtual Particles in display during the accelerator subparticle experiments.Perhaps Relativity and Diracs relativistic mechanics wrapped around certain preconcieved notions to elaborate but in that process certain subtleties of measure of realities become obscured or burried from exposure!The limits at that time scientist set on their own thinking processes were victim of relativity theoretical dominance to explain every thing wrapped up with it. But imagine if Feynman and Gellman would have increased their imagination further,they would have seen the FASTER THAN SPEED OF LIGHHT particles which i call the "IGNORONS"and their instantaneous interactions with freed charged particles.They have seen the LIGHTENING and Thunderstorms in nature,but ignored the physics of the phenomena.The clouds which comprised of water(H2O)molecules when roam into the skies have heavier atom oxygen hangining downwards due to gravity, while the two hydrogens sticking upwards.In the floating movements the clouds knock out electrons or charged particles and this instantaneously encounter the omnipresent very high frequency FTL-particle ,the ignorons,which are analogous to neutrinos type properties which can enter the north pole of planet earth abd sieve out from south pole unhindered.Ignorons are like them bearing specific "AFFINITY"to these knocked out charged particles of wondering clouds,which produces the "LIGHTENEING",speed of which is very fast indeed! Here it becomes clear what and how the presence of ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS INTERACTING in specific relations affect the properties of MATTER and empty space which is not empty at all! Production of Lightening proves how ENERGY is created and how matter is formed from the omnipresent ocean of FTL-particle reality. The phenomenological analyses here shows that Energy might not necessarily has to be concentrated to a needle sharp point to generate a big-bang,but could been an prevalent ocean of reality bounded with Electromagnetic Fields. Lorentzs force law,(local conservation law,continuity equations,Maxwell's Electrodynamics or electromagnetic equations and electromagnetic waves,Navier-stokes hydrodynamics with conservation of basic quantities in underlying particle interactions,Einstein's relativistic mechanic with Schrodingers'Quantum Mechanics,and Dirac's relativistic electron,all created a ground for phenomenological explorations,leading to electroweak interactions forces.The Lagrangians for particles carrying forces and Interactions between them yielded strong force as gluons.The Glashow-Weinberg-Salam equation produced this. An important observation which is discovered,is that the left handed and Right handed SPINS of Diracs type particles show that "NATURE BREAKS MIRROR SYMMETRY on a foundamental level preferring the LEFT HANDED variety of Matter. In the biological EVOLUTION we discovered that all amino acids the foundamental block of live forms' DNA etc.were L-amino acids?! Thus certain process may occur,the mirror image of that process may turn out to be impossible. So we are now at strong force Quantum Electrodynamics creating flavors and colors to paint the realm of our "measure of Realities".

Dr.syed Ameen (PH.D.)
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