phil You walk up to the house, you notice nothing unusual about it. The basketball hoop looked old and the steps were recessed and broken, no railing between that and a large deformed flower bed, the driveway is covered in spots, and the house looks to be painted poorly and the windows cracks calked, unprofessionaly.
The main door has been left open, jammed on top of a coarse synthetic rug. It has a dead bolt lock above the broken handle. Passing by you fail to notice a thin nail driven into the door at head height.
The stairs' carpet is struggling to stay alive; through the banister you see a living room set. There is also a basement. Various other carpets are strung here and there.
Ducking down you can look eye level with the basement cieling. The lights are out. A small computer diplays the time in large goofy letters. It's hard to read.
The stairs creek as you cover them, stepping up and passing by a bent hallway you can see phil sitting at a large computer desk typing, let's see if we can get him to wave.
"Hi Phil!"
Phil waves high in the air and comes over; standing much too close to your face. His eyes emit an eerie blue haze.
Behind him, some distance, is a large yucca plant.
He has you nearly pinned against a stand.
You notice greasy smells lurking in the kitchen below the phosphorescence. Phil's odor masks it all. He asks if you want something to drink, then remembering he has nothing good, itches the scab below his neck cramp.
He bends down to scratch his knee cap below his sweatshorts. Looking up at you, you notice him wince slightly. Then his neck cracks.
standing up straight he looks at you again "Ahem."
He bends awkardly over to a small wet bar/ book shelf and hands you a guestbook to sign and date.
It has a black textured cover. It looks relatively fresh.
Phil coughs and sucks his noise while he waits anxiously for you to sign.
Strideo nooo! thats scary! whats going on here?
little voices "just sign strideo"
"yes, sign the book"
"sign the book strideo"
"do it"
what's it to you?
who go