silentbob i am anti censorship. meaning i am against the idea that someone else should be able to tell you you can't say something.

i am pro self_censorship, that is, the initiative to take it upon yourself to realize when enough is enough, when you take something too far, when your point has been repeated so many times that its lost all meaning and value.

there was a_point_in_time when i would be shocked at hearing myself say these words.

but seriously. Are you blind to the fact that this has really gotten out of hand? I'm not MAKING you stop. I'm asking you to realize what this has become.

I think it's important to get your word out.
However, you have to realize that you're not changing anyone's mind here. people already agree with you and have gotten annoyed with you, or just flat out disagree with you and are just continued to be angered by your incessant linking, and you make it possible for them to disregard your opinion because it's so out of hand.
cap krunch well he's obsessed 040826
Bespeckled bobby, I completely agree. 040826
kookaburra probably should have censored this i agree too.
i'd say something intelligent but i just realized that i can download teenage dirtbag on itunes
u24 on three_words today. lol. oh the irony. 080531
dafremen ; ) 080531
dafremen Worth revisiting.

There is little difference between harboring and nurturing expectations of what free_expression should be...and censorship. Particularly once pressure begins to be applied.

Bobby wasn't anti-censorship...he just found a rationalization that seemed to work it's way around his own desire for limited censorship.

Free is free..not free under certain conditions. And although I'd have to agree that self-restraint is desirable...the first sign of external restraint, either imposed, suggested or manipulated...should set every radical free spirited person to breaking ALL conventions until the reality sets in that..free_expression means FREE strings attached.

OR until they are so appalled that they become what they claim not to be..censors..shutting you down.

Then it will be undeniable.

Not some..ethereal concept that sounds so good in blue that we can convince ourselves it ISN'T censorship. It is.
. self censorship IS censorship boo

i will take freedom
over saftey
any and every
damn day
what's it to you?
who go