pushpins why? 020128
frAnk because your writing has left its reader wanting to know. it has painted beautiful images, yet with one still remaining. there are certain phrases you chose that define your ability to see from the inside out. i think you have incredible talent. 020129
pushpins wow...thankyou...

I wasn't sure how you would answer that question, but I'm more curious
"why interveiw people?"
Which i guess you also sort of answered just kinda.
frAnk actually i was referring to your fascinating post,

as for "why?" concerning innerviews, i am basically curious, as i think everyone is to some capacity.

i want to know, to discover what others think and feel, what's important to them, what they remember, what they value, who is important to them, what makes them happy, sad, fearful, excited, what influences them, inspires them, what has changed their lives, where they live, what work they do, how they cope, what they dream about...

and doing it here gives all of us blatherskites the oppurtunity to learn more about each other and from each other, and discover we have brothers and sisters out there in the world, who not only share a love for writing and expression, but for vision, auditory bliss, tangibility, emotional sensitivity, imagination, a sense of humour, global awareness, and the ability to reveal who we are and in the process, find out we are all so much alike.

twin sons and daughters of different mothers and fathers.
frAnk why?

i want to know who you are, how you are like me. what you like, love, hate, need. what drives you to get up in the morning. what puts you to sleep at night.

what your favourite article of clothing is, what your favourite food is...

who wants to be innerviewed next?
what's it to you?
who go