realistic optimist ahh, the sexy curve of a sine wave.
so far, nothing quite compares.
is the dichotomous binary system a limited paradigm with which to approach computing, AI, and technology?
zeke are we analogue? 040204
stork daddy digital can approach analogue if cut up fine enough. our description of something as one or the other more or less represents our threshold of perception more than anything else. the things we describe as analogue, how do we know that at some nano level they aren't yes or no? i dont' know...i just don't know. enough of my dilletante ramblings. course...not much but dilletantes on certain subjects. 040204
knot meat analogue seems fun though. can't be broken down to any simpler pattern or whatever. yay for analogue. 040204
knot meat atomic structures are analogue right? but what of neural patterns? what of their electric patterns? neuroscientist blatherers...please explain. 040204
realistic optimist the valences are rather binary in nature... it's difficult to actually separate the two on such a minute scale. and i'm not saying this to knock binary, just to spit in the eye of its supposed superiority leading to its current dominance. i am suggesting we reexplore the avenue of analogue from a modernly digital perspective. who knows what insights and integrations we might achieve? 040204
zeke could a truly analogue computer exist, or is that a semantic conundrum? i am not imagining a brain, but rather a computation machine which works in phase periods or interference patterns of another sort. a sort of sine comparator of a high order of complexity. it's level of control of duration, frequency and amplitude would have to be extremely precise. 040205
zeke it might, as a by product of it's primary function, make very beautiful music. 040205
realistic optimist they can and have. :) 040325
sameolme you can tell what time it is with analog:
"the big hand is on......"
digital clocks announce the time
Its no longer "around noon" or "almost noon", its 11:56, its a sterile, pissant, digital world we live in.
I quit, I'm going home, to where clocks have faces, and I can tell time, rather than being told the time.
Hmm.. does ranting have nutritional value?
z ro: can you reference an example? 040325
REAListic optimIST in james gliek's "chaos: the making of a new science" he talks about an analogue computer running a weather prediction model, if memory serves.

the history, context, and definition can be found by following the following links:
z i think i read that when it came out. i do not recall anything about analogue. i will look it up. thanks. 050815
REAListic optimIST np. sorry for the delayed response, z. 050816
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