yoink although it smells horrible, i can use it to befriend the neighborhood kids so they will give me a discount at their lemonade stand 010724
Aimee ummm that's not my pee on it... it's another monkey's pee.... they knew how to use the toilet 010724
Dafremen My bad. 010724
Dafremen Speaking of which. Do you know where the expression "my bad" originated?

It's a distortion of the original:
"my bag"

In some bidding card games (Spades for instance) if you take more books(rounds won) than you originally bid you are given a single point for each extra book.
These points are known as "sandbags". Rules vary, but eventually once you have accumulated enough sandbags, you score is reduced by some GAWD-AWFUL amount as a penalty for underbidding your hand too often. This is known as being "bagged back".

A strategy develops where you underbid as much as you can if in the end, you can make more points than you will lose from being bagged back.

This strategy is known as "sandbagging" and is important to the game, but usually frowned upon.

Toward the end of a hand, if a player takes an extra book or sandbag, they often acknowledge that the bidding error was THEIR mistake and not their partner's. They do so by saying:

"My bag."

In fact, I continued to say it for years and I'm not alone. Many spades players use it as a way of saying, my error, or my mistake. Eventually someone heard it and assumed they were saying "my bad" which we now come to understand as "my mistake".

Ok enuff of that. Sorry about getting so wordy...my bag.
TalviFatin Oh my god. Too much information. Dafreman...you are too smart. 010724
blah-ze i am lost for words to describe
how close this strikes to home
pee soaked dead monkey freedom!
ya! hi! ni!
i am the flint and tinder man!

ok now im just rambling

i once had a pee soaked monkey
it was never alive
it was stuffed
i used to throw it at cars
i was a kid at the time
it was confiscated and burned
i miss that monkey
Jane Doe daf, thanks, good to know.. just makes me want to go play a rousing game of poker. any takers? 040104
nikoto time to drag this'un out again 040220
what's it to you?
who go