kingsuperspecial anyone want to trade underwear? I hear there is a great secret society of people that collect the dainty and not so dainty undergarments of others.

a rendez-vous
cash transaction
each with a need
and not much of a plan

and of course this happens just when I though I understood it all...

Inanna Need a change? Try your underwear;-) 010828
florescent light freak 010828
kx21 What is the currency / exchange rate of your underwear? 010828
florescent light 80 dollars a pair
-long island rates
Teenage Jesus Xmas = new boxers
I have way more than I will ever need.
kx21 Which is better?

Exchange or
TalviFatin I'll exchange my sexy leopard print thong for a pair of men's boxers worn by some hot stud. Any takers? 010829
kingsuperspecial boxers, or briefs? I might have some boxers about, but I prefer the briefy type ( not the weasel teasers, mind you - the comfy ones ).

of course, it's entirely possible that I don't wear underwear at all...
nanny i once mailed a pair of my worn panties to a friend of mine. i found out from personal experience that it is best to:

1. Place the undergarment of choice in a plastic zip lock type baggie.

2. Suck out as much of the air as you can, (so as to creat a vacuum).

3. Then place your freeze dried, vacuum packed panties in a regular shipping envelope.

4. Over night the package, so that by the time the freezing effect wears off, they will have been delivered, and fresh as ever.

Just thought that someone might want to know the right way to do it.
Majoun Ill trade off some underwear to a chick, but since I dont know if any one is really a chick on the internet, I dont think girls exist on the internet, all the supposed girls on the net are a guy named bob who sits at the computer in his stained underwear trying to make me gay. 021012
HellBentWolf not really true

but then again i'm a girl
always pretending to be a possible male

just another suit that you where that says "don't fuck with me"

i guess i'd bite either way though if i wanted to
puppydog she's not a lesbo either---nnot that there is anything wrong with homosexuality 040106
what's it to you?
who go