laced caught in the slipshod
mucous kiss, thrice signed,
sealed, delivered

i'm yours
Borealis Nan Fryers...
walked past my desk today, levelled me a gaze and said "I'm going dancing."
she then proceeded to walk out the door amidst a laughing family

Nan is 86

I think I just fell in love.
once again so this...

this is love?

There were never any shooting stars. Not even any real Disney style magic.

This unwavering acceptance?
This unquestioning belief?

This is love?

There were little moments... and there was laughter... and there was this...

And this is love.
pete friendship picking up where it was abruptly broken off
leaning into eachother without any thoughts past how comfortable we all are
listening to the other's cds, and the songs we got eachother addicted too
sitting in the van at my house just to hear you finish singing, though ive heard you countless times and will countless times again
being privy to eachother's private train of thoughts and conversations
smiles out of nothing
the gentle promise that the coming break will be harsh and creul, but curable in time, and accepting it as such
understanding the silence

my friends, both of you, is this love?
love & hate so this is love.... then i will never fall in it again... 040819
laced so this is what love is(as if
i'd found it) caught in the slipshod
mucous kiss(publicly french
in lieu of nationality) trice signed(sealed,

i'm yours(again despite being utterly
useless with women)and I
have nothing (so much)
but a wanting so much to give you
something. So I

am the fool in all of this(vulnerability &
emotional transperancy)thinking
that were i broken enough
i could force the cigar smoke of that thought
into my virgin lungs
what's it to you?
who go