kookaburra i am singing in the shower
i am singing to the wall
that wall knows my secrets,
yea that wall knows it all!

i may have that wall exploded,
or maybe just imploded,
cuz that wall, now it is bloated,
with my secrets it is loaded.

all because each day for a hour,
i'm singin in the shower
The Wall in Kookaburras Shower not only do I know all your secrets but I've seen you naked too. 040417
Kookaburras Hot Tap its a little bit off key as well. 040417
kookaburra oh no, now im paranoid...

i think i'll write a song about it!
pipedream hahahahahaha
*clap clap*

i sing in the shower too, every shower...be it home or swimming pool or dorm..and somehow, i always sound better IN a shower than OUT. why? bathroom acoustics better?
Scorned Husband Sing me a song, me blather wife. 040417
kookaburra who are you talkin to? 040417
Death of a Rose Sorry, should have used my regular s/n. 040417
Scorned Bird-Wife ahhhhhh,
not that im bitter...
guy montag shower_zapartistes 040417
sab so i stood in the shower
washing the writing off my hand
and noticed that i hadn't rung james.

so i started a song, so that i would remember to ring him but could still wash his name off my hand.

i stood in the shower for 10 minutes, singing james' name
over and over
so that i would remember to ring him.

and then i got out, got dressed, did the dishes and started on my homework
and totally forgot about it

till i got to blather and saw this blathe.

so i logged off and rang james
kookaburra glad i could help :) 040417
emmi the way you wear your hat, the way you sip your tea, the memory of all that....oh no they can't take that away from me... 040418
Lemon_Soda As often as I am inclined. 040418
nomme i whistle in the tub 040418
pipers whaddya want me to sing?

*warbles a few notes of 'i only have eyes for you' experimentally*
freaktard right after i drown my cat. 040419
Blather Husband anything pipey, anything. 040421
Blather Wifey *sings 'i've grown accustomed to her face' from my fair lady, changing the hers to hims* 040421
what's it to you?
who go