cpgurrl well, i'm here, but ur not. 040819
Doar it time to go already?

Damn alarm clock.
cpgurrl i want 2 erase this blathe..,how do u do that? 040819
Death of a Rose Where are those doberman pinchers I ordered from apocalypse inc.?

And what about those gun turrets....I mean...just look at them...somebody got into the blue paint again...didn't they.

Hey, can I get one of those leather chairs that creak and groan with menace and relaxation? huh? huh?

Where's my secretary?
estarocks we posted at the same time...whoa! 040819
cpgurrl god this is freaky...i'm going crazy, and it feels great! 040819
pete doar is a he

that is all
Doar Okay, I now have a head quarters

(yes, I knew it would work, pretty soon they'll realize that I'll have branch offices around the world.....ready to take over the world....hehehehe...cough....sheshesheshe.....gasp.......)
estarocks doar, headquarters is 1 word, btw 040819
Doar Sure cpgurrl or estarocks, but I meant I have quarters in my head, spare change sorta deal......j/k 040819
estarocks (not 2 b a grammar_cop) 040819
czmember nice play on words then 040819
czmember jk 040819
That makes everyone here... DoarHQy 070418
u24 u24 abseils in through the roof, guns blazing, only to discover that you can't kill what's already dead. 070418
Doar Aggggghhhh...oh my sinus's (sinusii?) haven't got me....

You know this isn't a Lara domicile don't you?

I would have had the maid make some effort if I knew you were dropping by.

And what's with all the bullet holes?

I just got done with the reno's. Christ on crutches already. Can't a dead guy have nice things?

Doar you know the nice thing is i didn't pay any taxes on this place.

but it was nice to share my quarters with all the misfits.

oren Nice_place you have here. 111113
Doar there are always crazy reasons
to be....just to be....

crank up your head man.

listen and listen again.

i drop in and drop a dream
of us all, but me and the Missus,

is the sweetest
crop i ever did farm
all the dreams
of keeping a dream.

what's it to you?
who go