Mushroomman Right now my PC is fucking up... and i hate it, but i don't want it to die...
i want it to work .... please computer work,

~makes a keyboard sacrafice to the computer god~
Dafremen as computer god I AM the computer god. I hereby issue the following edict:

Having created a blather in the blather universe called computers_suck you are hereby officially, cosmically f*cked. Yes, it IS true that in a very real if not immediate sense the blather always existed in much the same way that it never existed but will ALWAYS exist simply because it will invariably BE on an infinite number of occasions but never remain for any length of time in between said occasions.

What I'm getting to is this:

Although in an infinite universe an infinite number of computers_suck blathers will be created by an infinite number of authors for various reasons, not all of which have to do with a computer owner's frustration, there is no reason for us to believe that you shouldn't be held accountable by ME the computer god for this particular instance of the computers_suck blather. Hope that clears everything up. We now return you to being alone with your computer screwing your Friday evening royally. Hope the blather was worth it.

Hey look on the bright side, at least you're finally getting f*cked.
Mushroomman jesus, computer god... dont get your pantyhose in a twist... 010811
Effingham Fish God wears pantyhose? 020218
Soma they just keep sucking and sucking
sucking you up and away from me
and sucking me and my tears dryer and dryer
baby why are you so far away?
Baby why do I not see you almost all the day?

Please come back.
I see you bathing in that soft blue light. Headphones on. Glasses on. Clicking away like at a madman at a reality that is not.
but not in the way we thought they would
they have taken over our lives
our minds our hearts
they have taken over our loves and replaced them with something new and foreign and cheap.

what's it to you?
who go